Booking terms & conditions

Definitions in these Booking Conditions:

“Booking” means a booking for the Property.

“Booking Conditions” means the terms and conditions of these booking conditions, including the general notes.

“Booking Email” means the booking email supplied at time of booking confirmation.

“Contract” means the contract between you and the Owner Property as may be amended from time to time in writing between You and the Owner.

“Data Protection Legislation” means the Data Protection Act 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (as applicable) and any other laws relating to the protection of personal data and the privacy of individuals.

“Owner” means the owner of the Property and “we” and “our” relate to the Owners Katie Ellis and Peter Stoner.

“Property” means the property advertised on the Website.

“Rental Fee” means the total fee for the Property as set out on the Website or

as otherwise agreed in writing including rental, heating, electricity, use of bed linen/towels (if supplied) and VAT if applicable but excluding any charges for additional services provided by the Owner.

“Rental Period” means the period of time for which You wish to rent the Property as stated in the Booking email or other written confirmation of the Booking from You.

“Selected Property” means the Property specified by You in the Booking.

“Website” means The Normans website.

“You” means the person who makes a Booking.

1 CONTRACT The Contract for renting the Property is between You and the Owner and it incorporates and is subject to these Booking Conditions.

1.1 By making a Booking you are deemed to have made an offer to enter into a contract with the Owner for the letting of the Property in accordance with the Booking Conditions.

1.2 The Booking will be deemed accepted and the Contract referable to the Booking will come into effect and be legally binding when The owner issues a confirmation email to you pursuant to condition 2.5.


2.1 You may make a Booking by Contacting Katie Ellis the Owner by telephone on

07899 818325; or

Sending an email giving details of your Booking requirements to

2.2 If, when making your Booking, the start date of your proposed Rental Period is more than 8 weeks away, You must pay a non refundable deposit to the owner.

This deposit is 10% of the Rental Fee. The balance of the Rental Fee is payable 8 weeks before the start of the Rental Period.

2.3 The entire Rental Fee is payable at the same time as your Booking if the Booking is made 8 weeks or less before the start of the Rental Period.

2.4 The Owner reserves the right to cancel your Booking at any time and retain the deposit if the balance is not received by the due date.

2.5 The owner will issue a Booking confirmation email to you once you have either made a booking via email in all cases all money due at the time of Booking has been received in cleared funds. You should check the confirmation email carefully and notify the Owner immediately in case of any discrepancy or mistake.

2.6 The Owner may at any time accept bookings from other customers for the Selected Property before payment and the confirmation email has been received.

2.7 If the Property is unavailable for your selected Rental Period and the Owner is unable to accept the Booking for this or any other reason, the Owner will return all money received from you in full.


3.1 You may pay by cheque or online banking.

3.2 For Bookings made less than 1 month before the start date of the Rental Period, online banking only.

4.3 All cheque payments shall be made to Miss Katie Ellis at the address

Compass Green, 27 High Street, Stock CM4 9BD and made payable to ‘Miss Katie Ellis’.


5.1 If You cancel the accepted confirmed Booking for any reason, you must notify by email.

5.2 A cancellation charge is payable depending on the number of days (or part thereof) before the Rental Period start date that the notice of cancellation is received by the owner.

The amount payable is set out below, where number of days refers to the number of days notice given at cancellation prior to Rental Period start date, and the Cost refers to the percentage of the Rental Fee of the Selected Property:

No. of days prior to the start The Cost you will incur to cancel

of theRental Period booked your confirmed booking

1–28 days 100% of the rental fee

29–56 days 50% of the rental fee

57 days or more Full deposit under condition 3.2

5.3 Please note that should a cancellation be made the Owner shall be entitled to retain sums received from you in accordance with further condition 5.5.

5.4 If the Property you have booked and which has been accepted becomes unavailable or unusable for any reason prior to the start of the Rental Period, the owners will use reasonable endeavours to find a suitable alternative Property. If an alternative Property is unavailable, you will be reimbursed any sums received from you in respect of the Contract.

5.5 If you agree to take an alternative Property, you will

be sent a confirmation form setting out details of the

new Property, Rental Fee and Rental Period and you will

be deemed to have entered into a new contract with

the Owner of the new Property (deemed to be the Selected Property), such contract to have incorporated these Booking Conditions and you shall be liable to make payments in accordance with these Booking Conditions.


6.1 The Rental Period commences, unless otherwise notified, at 4.00 pm on the day of arrival and terminates at 10.00 am on the day of departure.

6.2 On minimum stays of 3 nights at certain times of the year late departures may be available at the Owners discretion.

6.3 The owner will notify you, once you have paid the Rental Fee in full, if a late departure is available.

6.4 If your stay extends beyond the period of hire in condition 6.1, or such other period as expressly agreed under conditions 6.2 and 6.3, you may be subject to a charge for the additional time based on the applicable daily rate for the Property.


7.1 The Owners will endeavour, but are under no obligation, to consider a request from you to change the Rental Period after it has been confirmed and accepted. Such a request will only be accepted if:

• The Property is available for the new Rental period requested;

• you pay an administration fee, £20 but variable, and any sums due in respect of any higher prices for the Property for the new dates.


8.1 You agree that the number of people staying in the Property will not exceed the maximum number stipulated in the booking confirmation.

or on the Website save that (unless stated otherwise) in addition infants under the age of 2 years at the start of the Rental Period may also stay if sleeping in a cot up to a maximum number of infants equal to the number of bedrooms at the Specified Property.

8.2 You agree that the Property will be used for personal and domestic purposes only.

8.3 You agree that the Property will not be used for any commercial purposes without the written consent of the owners.

8.4 You agree that the Selected Property will not be used for any activity or in such a way that causes a nuisance or annoyance to neighbours of the Property.

8.5 You and your guests will comply with any reasonable regulations relating to the Property or the site within which the Property is situated, which will be communicated to you upon/prior to your arrival at the Property.

8.6 Smoking of tobacco in any form or E-cigarettes is not permitted at any time within the property.

13.4 If you wish to make a complaint after your Rental Period has ended please do so to the Owners in writing within a reasonable period but note that compensation cannot always be offered where a complaint has not been raised during your stay.


9.1 You agree to keep the Property and its contents in the same condition and repair as found on your arrival at the Property and shall procure that your guests shall also take such care of the Property and its contents.,

9.2 A Damage Waiver policy is incorporated into your rental fee which means the costs of making good any loss or damage to the Property and/or its contents caused through act or omission of

You and any of your guests up to a predetermined amount of £250 will not be recoverable from You. This amount will be specified in the booking confirmation. Where any such damage so caused exceeds this amount, You agree to pay to the owners, upon written demand, any reasonable costs incurred in making good any such loss or damage above the predetermined amount.

9.3 You shall abide by all instructions with regard to the use of the Property and its fixtures and fittings as notified to You by the Owner from time to time.

9.4 You must ensure that the Property is left in a clean and tidy condition on your departure at the end of the Rental Period. The Owners may charge you for the reasonable costs of any additional cleaning if this is reasonably considered necessary.


10.1 The house does not take pets other than the Owners family dogs.

10.2 Guests with allergies should be aware that the Owner cannot guarantee that there have been no dogs at the Property, nor (subject to condition 14.2) does the Owner accept any liability for any suffering which may occur as a result of such pets having been present.


The Owner shall have the right of entry to the Property at all reasonable times, except in an emergency where immediate access may be required, for the purposes of inspection or to carry out any necessary repairs or maintenance.


12.1 The Owner shall reserve the right to refuse Bookings from: a) groups of people under the age of 21; and/or b) hen or stag parties.

12.2 You must inform the Owners at the time of Booking if your party falls in condition 12.1(a) and/or 12.1(b).

12.3 The Owners reserve the right to terminate a Contract without prejudice to any rights and remedies accrued by the Owners or You which shall remain following termination and ask You and your guests to leave the Property immediately if it is deemed necessary by the Owners as a result of your behaviour or that of any of your guests or any other material breach of these Booking Conditions.

12.4 In the event that your Contract is terminated in accordance with condition 12.3, the Owners reserve the right not to refund to you any part of the Rental Fee in respect of the shortened Rental Period.


13.1 Should there be any cause for complaint during your stay in the Property,

you should notify the Owners/housekeeper promptly and describe the nature of the complaint. The Owners/housekeeper will use their reasonable endeavours to resolve any complaints,

13.2 Within the property there will be the telephone number of the owner/housekeeper of the Property, who you can contact in the event that you have a problem with the Property.


14.1 Nothing in these Booking Conditions shall limit or exclude the liability of the Owner for death or personal injury resulting from its negligence or for fraudulent misrepresentation or for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.

14.2 Subject to condition 14.1 all warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common law are, to the extent permitted by law, excluded from the Contract.

14.3 Subject to condition 14.1 the Owner shall not be liable for any actual or alleged indirect or consequential loss howsoever arising suffered by You, or for any loss (either direct or indirect) of profits, anticipated profits, savings, business or opportunity or loss of publicity or loss of reputation or opportunity to enhance reputation or any other sort of economic loss.

14.4 Subject as stated in condition 14.1, the aggregate liability of the Owner to You for breach of contract, misrepresentation, in tort or otherwise arising under or in connection with the Contract shall be limited to damages not exceeding three times the total amount of the Rental Fee received from You.


15.1 Neither Rural Retreats nor

the Owner shall be liable for any delay or nonperformance of their obligations under the Contract to the extent that the performance is interrupted or prevented by any act or omission beyond its reasonable control. The Owner shall as soon as reasonably practicable upon it becoming aware of the same notify You.


16.1 For the purposes of this clause, capitalised terms not defined elsewhere in this Contract shall have the meaning set out in the Data Protection Legislation. The Owner and is the Data Controller of all Personal Data provided to the Owner by You. The Owner agrees that they process such Personal Data, for the purposes of processing and administering your Booking.

16.2 The Owner will comply with the Data Protection Legislation and any directions issued by

the Information Commissioner in the processing of such Personal Data.

16.3 You agree that the Owner may Process the relevant Personal Data and may need to pass your Personal Data on to third parties and organisations who need to know them so that the Booking can be provided.

16.4 When acting as a Processor, in relation to the Booking and the Contract, the Owner shall:

16.4.1 Process the Personal Data only to the extent necessary for the purpose of providing the services and in accordance with any written instructions from You and this Clause 16;

16.4.2 implement and maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risks that are presented by such Processing, in particular from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure of, or access to Personal Data, taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation, the nature, scope, context and purposes of Processing and the likelihood and severity of risk in relation to the rights and freedoms of the Data Subjects;

16.4.3 not transfer the Personal Data outside of the EEA unless adequate levels of protection are in place;

16.4.4 ensure that any employees or other persons authorised to Process the Personal Data are subject to appropriate obligations of confidentiality;

16.4.5 not engage any third party to carry out its Processing obligations other than by way of a written contract which confirms that such third party will, at all times during the engagement, be subject to Processing obligations which comply with the Data Protection Legislation;

16.4.6 as soon as reasonably possible and without undue delay notify You about any request (including subject access requests) or complaint received from Data Subjects without responding to that request (unless authorised to do so by You) and assist You by technical and organisational measures, insofar as possible, for the fulfilment of your obligations in respect of such requests and complaints at its then-current rates;

16.4.7 notify You without undue delay as soon as the Owner becomes aware of any relevant breach in data security;

16.4.8 maintain appropriate records and information in compliance with Data Protection Legislation and on request by You, make available such records and information necessary to demonstrate the Owners compliance with this Clause 16 and otherwise permit, and contribute to, audits carried out by You (or Your authorised representative) at its then-current rates; and

16.4.9 on termination or expiry of this Contract, destroy or return (as You direct) all relevant Personal Data in its power, possession or control and delete all existing copies of such data except to the extent it is required to retain a copy of the Personal Data by law.

16.5 You acknowledge that the Owner may also Process and store your personal details for its own administration, market analyses and operational reviews.

16.6 You consent to the Owner appointing the third party Processors needed to complete the relevant Bookings.

16.7 You acknowledge that the Owner will collect name, address, email and other contact details (as well as bank details, in some cases) in order to complete the Booking, and that the Owner’s Processing of such Personal Data shall continue for the duration of this Contract.

16.8 Full information on how the Owner will use your personal data is available in our privacy policy on the Website.


17.1 If any provision of the Contract (or part of any provision) is found by any court or other authority of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part-provision shall, to the extent required, be deemed not to form part of the Contract, and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of the Contract shall not be affected.

17.2 You shall not, without the prior written consent of the Owner, assign or transfer, or deal in any other manner with all or any of your rights or obligations under this Contract.

17.3 A person (other than the Owner) who is not a party to this Contract shall not have any rights under or in connection with it.

17.4 The Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.


The Owners of the Property aim to ensure that the particulars of the Property as they appear on the Website are accurate. Nevertheless, on occasions there may have been a change of circumstances and the Website cannot always be up to date.

For example, the local shop or pub may have closed for business. Please ensure that you check all of the details on your Property (including price) with the Owner at the time of Booking. The Owner will endeavour to notify you of any changes or inaccuracies in any information contained on the Website, or otherwise provided to you, as soon as reasonably practical after we become aware of any such change.

Guest Safety

The Owner take the safety of guests very seriously. Therefore we ask that guests who stay in the Property take a few moments

to think about their safety at the Property. In particular You should:

1) Check the layout of the Property, so that in an

emergency You and your party can get out quickly

and easily.

2) Check the locations of the fire extinguishers and fire

blanket and read the instructions for use.

3) Check the location of the first aid box.

4) Read and take note of specific safety information

provided in the Property.

If you have any concerns about the safety of the Property, whether it be the garden, equipment or facilities, You should contact the Owner immediately.

Property with character

We ask Guests to bear in mind that the Property is a period property built in the 1700s before the days of damp proof courses and cavity wall insulation, so may show signs of damp. Please bear this in mind if your party includes an elderly/infirm person or very young children. Should traditional features (wide/steep stairs, steps and uneven floors) be a problem for any member of your party, You should consider this when selecting the Property before making any Booking; please note that such features are listed on the Website and the Owner can advise on property suitability.

Special requirements

We will endeavour to help those in your party with special requirements please refer to our Website or contact us about specific needs at the time of Booking.

The property is over 100 years old and consequently the structure and fittings will not necessarily have current safety and design features and many lack facilities such as ramps for wheelchairs. The property may not be childproof and may have steep approaches or internal staircases. Therefore, we would strongly advise you to read the information identified in the FAQs and speak to the Owner in order to assess the suitability of the Property before placing a Booking; or please contact us in order to discuss any particular needs that you may have prior to booking.


The property is in a sea side location and sometimes experiences some noise and and activities associated with seaside living.

Flora and fauna: In rural areas, insects and other creatures are fairly common and not necessarily an indication of poor housekeeping standards. Whilst preventative action is always taken by the Owners, these creatures can never be eradicated completely.


The property Owner and Housekeeper aim to ensure you have an enjoyable and comfortable stay at the property. Unfortunately, things sometimes can go wrong while on holiday but these situations are always best resolved at the time.

Your contract is between You and the Owner, therefore in the event of a problem you should contact the owner/Housekeeper immediately to allow remedial action to be taken. However, please note any complaints raised after your holiday will not result in any form of compensation. The property you have booked is a domestic home and the Owner does not always have access to 24 hour a day maintenance services.

Guest Damage

You should report accidental damage or breakage if and when it happens. Repairs or replacement items can then be arranged in advance of the arrival of the next guests.

Damage deposit

The booking price benefits from a Damage Waiver policy where the Owner will not seek reimbursement from You for damage below a certain value (see Booking Condition 9.2)

Other Issues

Building Work: The Owner cannot be held responsible for any buildings or road workings which maybe carried out close to the Property. Where we are aware of any anticipated works, we will endeavour to advise You in advance.

Special Requests: Special requests may be made prior to travel and whilst we will endeavour to meet them, this cannot be guaranteed. Under no circumstances will requests accepted by us form part of our contractual obligations. Unless agreed in writing by the Owner, they do not accept liability for special requests that are not fulfilled.

Withdrawal of Facilities: We reserve the right to alter or withdraw amenities or facilities or any activities without prior notice; where reasonably necessary due to repairs, maintenance, weather conditions and circumstances beyond our control.

Please note: The owner reserves the right to update Booking Conditions from time to time as shown on the Website and linked in your booking confirmation.

Revised: August 2022